Summary of Justice Carpio's Presentation on W. Phil Sea Issues

This is the summary of what the presentation obtains which is essential to know about the nature of the issue regarding the disputes in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea.


This is the presentation with full details. Just refer to it here...


Here are the key points of this presentation which was made easy for the readers to understand what is this 115-slide presentation referring into, specifically on the West Philippine Sea disputes...

1. The stake of the Philippines into this matter was huge that it comprises a large portion of its Exclusive Economic Zone which maritime space was larger than the whole total area of the Philippines itself. Losing it to China was a great loss for the Philippines.

2. That said area obtains some of the rich biodiversity and natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals that are situated on the sea floor. That was so much that who has control over those area will be benefited at the long term. And that means a richer, prosperous Philippines comparable into today's fully developed nations.

3. The primary reason for the dispute was the overlapping areas in-between claimants, with China having the huge chunk thanks to its 9-dash lines claim which covers most of the South China Sea area which includes the Paracels and Spratlys, and eventually Scarborough Shoal in 2012. 

4. There was no basis on the dashes, prompting claimant nations like the Philippines and Vietnam protesting such a claim way back 2009.

5. In Philippine's case, Chinese hegemony started in 1988 when Subi reef was seized by China, followed by seizing Mischief (Panganiban) reef in 1995, then claiming Reed Bank in 2010, and Scarborough Shoal in 2012.

6. It also explicates China's recent maps, which includes the controversial 9-dash line.

7. It also shows seizing territories like Vietnam's Paracel islands and its eastern EEZ which China includes having an oil rig there which aggravates the Vietnamese, the southernmost area called James shoal, and Malaysia's Luconia Shoals.

8. China's Basis as per historical data is concerned.

9. UNCLOS basis and Philippines arbitration over that matter.

10. Kalayaan Island Group, Sierra Madre and other Philippine outposts

11. Illegal building of artificial islands by China.

12. Hegemony in Indonesian-controlled Natuna islands.

13. Proposing an Air-Defense Identification Zone in the area which validates China's de-facto control over the area.

14. Explaining China's Salami tactics, which pertains to a sneaky and slow form of invasion which seizing one shoal at a time.

15. The importance of Itu Aba to strengthen China's claim in the area.

16. Other disputes which deemed similar to this issue.

17. Taiwan's move is China's gain.

18. Explaining the 2002 South China Sea code of Conduct.

19. Comparing China's ancient ones to Philippine ones and the validity of each.

20. Outcome and implementation of the Arbitration decisions.


The key points simply suggests that China's claims in the area, specifically it's nine-dash claims are vague and pointless, citing concerns that there were questionable basis as per Chinese points were concerned. These things also pointed hegemony across claimant states by the Chinese which suggests that their actions were concerning in the part of the security and stability as per status quo into that area. Not also to mention that Taiwan's past and present actions also determine the Communist Chinese ones such as the fact that the Kwomintang party's maps and documents in the 1920s do not have the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea into there helm with the exception of Itu Aba, under Taiwanese rule in which upon predetermination as per UNCLOS basis as to what kind of features are there in the area whether they maybe rocks, shoals or self-sustaining islands that entitled to have its own Exclusive Economic Zone. It also reaffirms the stance among claimants to the mere fact that Philippines submit a case in the arbitration court which it will determine the outcome of the claims which will make or break the territorial standing into that area. 


In layman's term, this issue is indeed a necessity to clarify the claims and also to settle the territorial output as per the basis and decisions of UNCLOS. Not also to mention that the Geopolitical impact of such decisions on the claimant states which will determine each of the nation's foreign policy. And last but not the least, it will determine the control of the nations into the area which will affect the nations economically as well as vitalizing its strategic input and defense layout. Not as well mention the importance of that area citing that shipping passes into this vital area supporting a huge bulk of the world economy. This dispute is everybody's concern, for it economically determines the prosperity of thy nation and its citizens.

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